Postpartum Skin Care Tips: Revitalize Your Glow

Written by: Abigail Hartley


Being a new mom brings so much joy, but it can be overwhelming - especially when you’re dealing with all the changes your body is going through after giving birth. Postpartum skin care tips can be such a help for new moms navigating the changes their bodies undergo after childbirth.

Your skin might be one of the biggest challenges you face in postpartum: sudden breakouts, dry patches, and even loss of radiance are not uncommon during this time.

But don't worry - there are products and simple habits you can incorporate into your routine to help you get back that healthy, glowing complexion without compromising on precious sleep or using harsh chemicals on your delicate skin.

Using postpartum skin care tips, you'll have all the knowledge you need to regain your glow during this special phase of life.

We’ll share some of our top tips for caring for your skin while embracing motherhood. Ready to take control of your skincare journey? Let's dive in!

Postpartum Hormonal Changes on Skin

When a woman gives birth, her body experiences considerable hormonal changes. These shifts can lead to annoying skin problems like acne and melasma.

Unraveling Postpartum Acne

Hormonal fluctuations after giving birth often result in an increase in sebum production, leading to clogged pores and subsequently causing acne breakouts. But don't let this bring you down. There are ways you can manage this condition effectively.

  • Be Gentle: Opt for a hydrating cleanser that won't strip away your skin's natural oils. Avoid over-cleansing, as it can make your acne worse. A great choice that soothes and hydrates with aloe vera and other natural ingredients is this Gentle Face Wash.

  • Try Topical Treatments: Salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide are great options available over the counter. Just make sure to check with your doctor if you're breastfeeding.

  • Hands Off: Resist the urge to pick or squeeze your blemishes, as it can lead to scarring. Patience is key!

  • Go Non-Comedogenic: Make sure your skincare and makeup products are non-comedogenic, meaning they won't clog your pores.

  • Consider Retinoids Cautiously: While they can be effective for treating acne, they're not recommended for breastfeeding moms. If you're not breastfeeding, consult a dermatologist to explore this option.

  • Embrace Skin Loving Ingredients: Hyaluronic Acid can help your skin retain moisture while reducing inflammation. And Sandalwood will help soothe and calm irritated skin while rosehip oil moisturizes and helps reduce inflammation associated with acne. So try a serum that provides deep nourishment and problem solving properties to stressed skin, like this Renewal Serum.

You've got the power to manage postpartum acne effectively. Start implementing these tips and wave goodbye to those pesky breakouts!

Understanding Melasma in Post-Pregnancy

Melasma is another common issue new mothers face after giving birth. Characterized by dark patches across the forehead, nose, and cheeks due to increased melanin production stimulated by pregnancy hormones such as estrogen and progesterone.

UV rays are one of the culprits behind melasma's intensity. Protect your skin with our broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, even on cloudy days. Reapply every two hours when outside. Look for physical sunscreens containing zinc oxide or titanium dioxide for maximum defense.

If you're breastfeeding, consult both your dermatologist and pediatrician before opting for hydroquinone, a common melasma treatment. They can suggest alternative options like azelaic acid or kojic acid that are safe for you and your little one. This Brightening Moisturizer may be another good alternative - that uses natural ingredients like licorice, green tea, and reishi to help smooth skin tone.

Chemical peels or laser treatments might be your answer to melasma relief - but proceed with caution. For your safety, always seek a professional and discuss potential risks beforehand to avoid worsening the condition.

Remember, excessive irritation can make melasma worse. So be kind to your skin and pamper it gently. Say goodbye to melasma, and hello to a beautiful, healthy complexion!

Other Common Postpartum Skin Conditions

The journey through motherhood brings along several changes, not just emotionally and physically but also in terms of skin health. The post-pregnancy period can be particularly challenging for the skin due to hormonal fluctuations causing conditions like dry or oily skin.

Tackling Dry Skin After Pregnancy

Dryness is a common complaint among new mothers after giving birth. This condition often arises from decreased sebum production triggered by hormonal shifts during the postpartum period.

To counteract this issue, it's essential to incorporate hydration-focused skincare habits into your routine. A mild non-soap cleanser can help maintain natural oils while effectively removing dirt and impurities from your face. 

Following up with an intensive moisturizing regimen that includes products rich in aloe, shea butter, and jojoba oil, like this Moisture Therapy Cream, will further boost moisture retention and give you plumper-looking skin.

Dealing with Oily Skin in the Postpartum Period

In contrast to dryness, some women may experience excessive oiliness or greasiness on their face following childbirth. This can often lead to acne breakouts associated with hormone-induced overproduction of sebum.

A crucial step towards managing this concern involves using cosmetics free of heavy oils - as well as specific cleansers tailored for oily complexions which work efficiently by removing excess oil without stripping away vital moisture. The Oil Cleansing Method, utilizing plant-based oils like jojoba or grapeseed instead of traditional soaps, has also been found beneficial to many women.

Double Cleansing When Time Allows

Maintaining post-pregnancy skin health should always involve thorough cleansing, especially when hormonal fluctuations are producing oily skin. Double cleansing is an effective method that uses two types of cleansers - one oil-based and another water-based - to remove makeup residue, excess sebum (oil), and impurities from your skin's surface.

If there are days when you find some extra time, double cleansing could be beneficial for the postpartum period. If not possible due to lack of time or low energy levels after caring for the baby all day long, then consider toning as an alternative step. Toning helps balance the pH level while also removing any leftover dirt left behind by the cleanser alone.

Remember: everyone's journey through motherhood and their respective skincare needs are unique; what works best will depend largely on individual circumstances including hormone levels, lifestyle factors such as diet and stress levels among others.

By maintaining healthy skin care habits beyond your post-pregnancy phase, you'll continue to enhance your overall appearance and provide a boost to your self-confidence.

Key Takeaway:

Postpartum skin woes like dryness and oiliness can be tackled with hydration-focused routines and oil-free cosmetics. Remember, everyone's skincare journey is unique to their circumstances. Maintaining healthy habits beyond the post-pregnancy phase not only enhances your appearance but also boosts self-confidence.

A Quick Skincare Routine for Busy New Moms

Time is a luxury that new moms often don't have. Between taking care of your precious new baby and trying to catch up on sleep, finding time for skincare can seem impossible. Despite the lack of time, an effective skincare routine can help you maintain your post-pregnancy skin health.

Daytime Skincare Tips

Save time and still take care of your skin with a streamlined day-time skincare routine for new moms. Start by gently cleansing away impurities, then use a hydrating serum or moisturizer to keep your skin supple. Look for a moisturizer with SPF to protect against UV damage, so you don't need to worry about applying sunscreen separately.

If your eyes look tired, a lightweight and soothing eye product like this Eye Perfecting Gel can help reduce puffiness. And if you wear makeup, consider a tinted moisturizer or BB cream for hydration, sun protection, and a touch of color all in one step. This simple routine ensures your skin gets the essential care it needs, even in the busy world of motherhood.

Overnight Skincare Tips

Incorporating overnight skincare into your regimen can help maximize results without requiring extra effort during daytime hours - when most moms are busiest caring for their newborns' needs. Begin by using a gentle cleanser or cleansing oil to simultaneously remove makeup and cleanse the skin. Providing your tired, stressed skin with nutrients while you sleep let's the natural healing process to work.

A good sleeping or night cream applied before bed provides hydration throughout the night, and a hydrating Eye Beauty Cream helps you wake up to bright, perky eyes - all leading towards a healthier-looking complexion.

Having young children around tends to require constant attention, thus limiting opportunities for personal self-care activities. These basic steps ensure your skin can rejuvenate itself during sleep, despite the all the wonderful activities of new motherhood.

Key Takeaway:

Even with limited time, a quick skincare routine can keep your postpartum skin stay healthy. Double-cleanse when you can. Don't forget overnight skincare - a good sleeping cream and eye gel works wonders while you catch those precious zzz's. Remember, beauty care is self-care too.

Nourishing Your Skin from Within

Beverages and foods we consume can have a major influence on keeping our skin healthy. This is particularly true during the postpartum period, where hormonal changes can affect your complexion.

The Importance of Hydration for Healthy Skin

Hydrating adequately has profound effects on our overall health, including the appearance of our skin. Water aids in flushing out toxins while keeping cells hydrated - essential factors to maintain radiant skin after giving birth.

To keep yourself well-hydrated, aim for at least eight glasses per day or more if breastfeeding. Also, consider herbal teas as an alternative; they not only hydrate but also provide beneficial antioxidants and may just help give you a calming minute or two throughout the day.

Vitamins A, C, E: The Holy Grail For Post-Pregnancy Skin Health

Certain vitamins have been shown to enhance one's complexion significantly:

  • Vitamin A: This vitamin plays a critical part by promoting cell growth and differentiation, which results in smooth, youthful-looking skin. Research suggests sweet potatoes, carrots, and spinach are rich sources.

  • Vitamin C: A potent antioxidant known to support collagen production, reducing signs like sagging or wrinkling common after childbirth. Citrus fruits such as oranges and strawberries offer a natural Vitamin C supply. Or use a topical treatment if it's more convenient, like this Vitamin C Serum with hyaluronic acid and Vitamin E.

  • Vitamin E: An anti-inflammatory agent that protects against environmental damage while nourishing dry postpartum effectively. Almonds and sunflower seeds are great examples packed with this nutrient.

Balanced Diet = Glowing Complexion After Childbirth

Maintaining a balanced diet full of whole grains, lean proteins, alongside plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables will boost wellness along with enhancing radiant complexions, especially during stressful times following childbirth. If you are uncertain about dietary needs at any point throughout or following your pregnancy, considering a consultation with a nutritionist specializing in women's health.

Key Takeaways:

Revitalize your postpartum glow by nourishing from within. Hydrate with water and herbal teas, consume vitamins A, C, E-rich foods for skin health, and maintain a balanced diet. When in doubt about dietary needs, consult a women's health nutritionist.

Safe Skincare Ingredients During Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a special time in your life, but it also necessitates some changes to your skincare routine. Some ingredients can be absorbed through the skin and potentially impact your baby's health. So, selecting safe products during this period becomes crucial.

The Green Light: Safe Skincare Components

A variety of common skincare components are considered harmless during lactation. Hyaluronic acid aids in retaining moisture within the skin without posing risks to nursing infants. Vitamins C and E serve as potent antioxidants that help repair post-pregnancy skin damage with no known negative effects on breast milk.

Sun protection ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide remain on the surface of skin, rather than entering into the bloodstream. Research indicates their efficacy at providing sun protection without affecting breastfeeding mothers' health.

The Red Flag: Ingredients To Avoid

Breastfeeding mothers need to be mindful of certain skincare ingredients, as some of them can make their way into your bloodstream and potentially transfer to your breast milk. To ensure the safety of both you and your baby, it is always recommended to consult with a dermatologist or your pediatrician before starting any new skincare routine. Here are some commonly discussed ingredients to watch out for when breastfeeding your child:

  • Retinoids: Be cautious with over-the-counter retinol and prescription retinoids. While topical use is generally low risk, oral retinoids should be avoided due to the risk of severe birth defects. For more information, click here.

  • Hydroquinone: As a skin-lightening agent, limited data is available on its safety during breastfeeding. It may be best to avoid it for now.

  • Salicylic Acid: Spot treatments with small amounts are likely safe, but larger amounts in peels or full-body treatments may not be advisable.

  • Benzoyl Peroxide: This ingredient is generally considered safe for topical use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, it's still a good idea to consult with your doctor to be sure.

  • Chemical Sunscreens: While there's low risk, some moms opt for physical sunscreens containing zinc oxide or titanium dioxide as they are believed to be a safer alternative.

  • Essential Oils: Not all essential oils are safe for breastfeeding moms, especially in high concentrations. It's important to do thorough research and seek expert advice before using them.

  • Parabens: The research on parabens is inconclusive, but some choose to avoid them due to concerns about hormone disruption

  • Formaldehyde Releasing Preservatives: Be aware that these can be found in some cosmetics and hair straightening treatments.

Always read product labels carefully and reach out to a healthcare professional if you have any doubts.

DIY Treatments Suitable For New Moms

Maintaining a good skincare regimen post-pregnancy does not have to involve investing in expensive treatments or following complex processes. A selection of homemade treatments can be effective in addressing typical skin issues such as dryness, acne breakouts, and stretch marks that come up during the postpartum period. This is not to say you have a ton of extra time on your hands, but if desired, these at-home remedies may be for you.

Olive Oil Massage for Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are an all-too-common concern among new moms. These often appear due to rapid stretching of the skin while you're pregnant. An olive oil massage is one natural remedy you could try at home.

Research indicates that olive oil possesses anti-inflammatory properties and is rich in antioxidants which may help reduce the appearance of stretch marks over time. Simply warm some extra virgin olive oil slightly before massaging it into affected areas daily for best results.

Honey Masks for Hydration

Dry skin is another issue many women face after giving birth as hormonal changes can lead to this condition called postpartum thyroiditis. A honey mask might just be what your thirsty complexion needs.

Besides providing intense hydration, honey also contains antibacterial properties, making it excellent not only for preventing acne breakouts but reducing them too. Mix one tablespoon of raw honey with two tablespoons of plain yogurt, then apply the mixture to a freshly cleansed face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes before washing off with lukewarm water using a gentle non-soap cleanser. This gentle cleansing method helps keep your pores clear, thus helping minimize potential sun damage caused by clogged pores.

Key Takeaways:

Bouncing back post-pregnancy doesn't mean breaking the bank. DIY treatments like olive oil massages for stretch marks and honey masks for hydration can be just as effective in tackling common skin issues. So, roll up your sleeves and get glowing.

Postpartum Skincre FAQs

I'm experiencing postpartum acne. What can I do?

Hormonal fluctuations after childbirth can cause acne. Cleanse your face with a gentle, non-comedogenic cleanser. If the acne persists, consult a dermatologist. They might recommend topical treatments that are safe during breastfeeding.

How can I reduce dark circles and puffiness under my eyes?

Ensure you're getting as much sleep as possible. Use a good eye cream with ingredients like vitamin C, caffeine, or hyaluronic acid. Cold compresses and keeping your head elevated during sleep can also help.

My skin is so dry after giving birth. What can I use?

Opt for a hydrating moisturizer with ingredients like hyaluronic acid, glycerin, or ceramides. Drink plenty of water and consider using a humidifier in your room.

Is it safe to use retinol while breastfeeding?

It's best to avoid retinoids and retinol while pregnant or breastfeeding, as they could potentially harm the baby. Always consult with a dermatologist or pediatrician before starting any new skincare treatments.

How can I reduce the appearance of stretch marks?

Moisturize regularly to keep skin supple. Products containing ingredients like rosehip oil, vitamin E, or hyaluronic acid may help. Laser treatments or micro-needling are options to consider after consulting with a dermatologist.

What's a quick skincare routine for a mom with no time?

Focus on the basics: Gentle cleanser to wash away impurities. Moisturizer with SPF in the morning to hydrate and protect against sun damage. A hydrating night cream in the evening.

Can I use skincare products with active ingredients while nursing?

Some ingredients are best avoided during pregnancy and breastfeeding, such as retinol, certain essential oils, and high doses of salicylic acid. Consult with a dermatologist or physician before using products with active ingredients.

How can I protect my skin from hyperpigmentation during pregnancy?

Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily, wear protective clothing, and avoid direct sun exposure during peak hours. Vitamin C serums can also help brighten and even out skin tone.

I'm losing a lot of hair after childbirth. Is this related to skincare?

Postpartum hair loss is common and related to hormonal changes. While not directly a skincare issue, keeping the scalp clean and nourished can support overall hair health. Hair usually regrows within 6-12 months.

Are there any DIY face masks or treatments suitable for a new mom?

Absolutely! Simple DIY masks with ingredients like yogurt, honey, and oatmeal can hydrate and soothe the skin. Always patch test to ensure no allergic reactions.


Taking care of your skin after childbirth is an important part of the postpartum period. You not only feel better inside, but you also look better outside!

You have the power to take control of your skin journey, learning more about skincare solutions that are both effective and safe for breastfeeding moms. It’s time to nourish your skin from within and make it a habit to do DIY treatments as part of your skincare routine!

Doing this will not only make you feel confident and empowered but ensure that you look your best in no time! So now you know how to keep your skin looking beautiful after childbirth – so what are you waiting for? It's time to get glowing!